The A-Level Curriculum

‘A happy life is a life with choices.’ In the spirit of ‘One school, multiple paths.’, beside the full IB accreditation program, BIBS offers vast studying options and diversified development paths by introducing A-Level and AP curriculums in its senior high schools.


A-Level (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level), a British senior high school curriculum system, is the senior level curriculum for British GCSE, and the curriculum for the British college entrance examination. A-Level certificate is widely accepted by almost all English-teaching universities around the world.

The A-Level Curriculum

Curriculum Program

BIBS opens A-Level courses in G11 and G12, and IGCSE courses in G9 and G10. As of today, our required courses include English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Chinese, and P.E., and optional courses include Advanced Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Business, Geology, Artistic Design, Chinese, and English Literature. We are committed to a diversified and balanced learning at middle school stage, so our students can develop based on their interests and strong fields.

The A-Level curriculum is both structured and flexible, and pays attention to the integrity and connection between different levels. Two uniform global examinations provide a second opportunity to all students. Compared to the Chinese ‘3+x’ model, British universities only require 3 courses. For students who are to transfer from regular high school to A-Level, there can be language barriers at first, but it’s usually easier and quicker to adopt to the new program.

Tailored Planning

Starting from G9, BIBS offers one-on-one college entrance guidance counselling service that is tailored to every student’s personalized situation, interest, and future career plans.

BIBS also participates in more than a dozen of globally acknowledged academic competitions, covering math, physics, chemistry, business, and language fields. In our high-quality international education community, we help our students demonstrate themselves on a broader stage and apply for the best universities in the world.

Top University Express

A-Level curriculum, also knowns as the ‘World College Entrance Examination’ and ‘The Golden Ticket to Worldwide University’, is widely accepted by more than 150 countries in the world, and particularly preferred by universities in UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, Japan and Sweden.